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Feminist Leadership Transnational Institutes

Feminist Leadership Transnational Institutes

These Feminism in the Muslim World Leadership Institutes were developed as an international program to bring together groups of young women leaders from various Muslim countries and communities.

“Women and Politics” project

“Women and Politics” project

This program aims to support feminist activism to democratize politics through greater political participation and fulfilment of political rights for all, free from harassment and intimidation.

Stop Stoning and Killing Women campaign

Stop Stoning and Killing Women campaign

The practice of stoning to death and honour killing as a state-sanctioned activity was revived in several Muslim-majority contexts, based on religious and cultural fundamentalist interpretations ...

Violence is Not Our Culture campaign

Violence is Not Our Culture campaign

This campaign, founded in 2007, created a global network of organisations and individuals committed to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women (VAW) being justified in the name of culture and/or religion.

WLUML Campaign History (1984 and 2008)

WLUML Campaign History (1984 and 2008)

History of WLUML begun with Marieme Helie-Locus campaigned to release Algerian women, jailed for the opposition to the introduction of ‘Islamic’  Family Law in 1982.

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