Sana Zada

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Sana Zada

Sana Zada received her a bachelor’s degree in English, from Salahaddin University, Iraq. she is a woman activist working in the war and conflict zones in Iraq-Kurdistan Regional Government (Iraq-KRG) since 2014.. She has worked in the capacity of a project manager in several projects focusing on empowering women and girls in internally Displaced People (IDP), and supports and empower them to help themselves and their communities in various ways including setting up their own independent businesses. She continues to organize much Training of Trainers (TOT) workshops on life skills which would help women in their community role, in their household, and setting up and running their business. She has worked with many national and international Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) in Iraq. Particular, during the occupation of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), she worked at the front line to help women monitories especially women Yezidi. Sana recently became a mother with a baby boy and she feels even more committed now to her cause, improving the situation of women and children and to make the world a better place for the next generation as her parents did their best for her generation. Many of the women whom she supported during the various crisis in Iraq now have joined her to collectively push for a better world. Her motto in life is; every day is a new day, never stop being positive and you will get what you want.

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