Author: Sara Lopez (Sara Lopez)

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URGENT ACTION: Sudan: Two Sudanese Activists At Risk Of Flogging

On 13 November two activists in Sudan are due to stand trial for ‘indecent behaviour’. They are at risk of imprisonment or flogging.   On 21 October Najlaa Mohammed Ali and Amin Senada were arrested by members of Sudan’s police and security forces who raided their car in Port Sudan. Najlaa Mohammed Ali, a lawyer and human rights activist,...


URGENT ACTION: Call on States to Support UN Resolution on WHRDs

There is less than a week before the draft resolution will come up for adoption.  The following States have co-sponsored the resolution so far: Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, EU, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Jordan, Lebanon, Vanuatu, Bosnia Herzegovina, Albania, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, USA,  New Zealand. But push back continues on several aspects...


Urgent Call to Denounce Sudanese State Violence

Our Sudanese allies have come together to denounce the violence perpetrated by the Sudanese government.  Below you will find their message and petition. Please sign and circulate widely amongst your respective networks. September 2013 saw hoards of people taking to the streets of Sudan in protest, sparked by the government’s lift on fuel subsidies in...


Kenya: Protect girls by enforcing FGM and child marriage laws

Equality Now has been monitoring multiple cases of Kenyan girls running away from their homes or avoiding going home from school during holidays to escape female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage, particularly during the August and December school holidays when mass mutilations are performed. The Pokot region, especially, has had a high number of...


Sudan: Darfuri Activist in Detention for 6 months without charges!

A dedicated human rights activist in Sudan, Abdo Alshakour Isa is being detained incommunicado with no charges, and denied access to lawyers, medical care, and visits from his family.   Abd Alshakour Isa is a 32 year-old Darfuri human rights activist. He is from Makajar city in Wadi Salih area in central Darfur, he is...


Urgent Action: Zahra and Ali in Imminent Danger of Stoning!

WLUML has been shocked to learn that there are two individuals at imminent risk of execution by stoning in Iran. In 2012, Zahra Pour Sai and Ali Sai Bashsiz were tried in Tabriz (Iranian Azerbaijan) court, convicted of Zina (adultery), and sentenced to death by stoning. They appealed their convictions, but the appeal was refused and the...


Sudan: 32 Nuba Women Behind Bars in the Women’s International Day!

The Sudanese security in Kadugli the capital of South Kordofan/Nuba mountains state , started arrest campaign against women in Kadugli , the campaign started in early November 2012 where women had been called for investigations in Security offices in Kadugly about their relations to the Sudanese Peoples liberation Movement/ North , which fighting the Sudanese...